I have a small pressure cooker that I do all of my canning in. You don't have to have the big guns to can!
All of the directions I found said to use kitchen scissors to cut the beans. I found a razor knife to be much, much easier.
But, with a little vinegar it's good as gold!
All labled and ready to go! I really like how this turned out.
I'm off now until Monday! I hope you all have the loveliest Christmas possible!!!
Of course we had to have cheese grits with it!! A good 'ole SaGaNoFla Yule feast!
These are the ingredients for the Hazelnut thins. Nutella is soooo good!!
For our coffee lover friends I'm making chocolate covered coffee beans that are peppermint flavored and am toying with making them Fudgy Cappuccino cookies, but we'll see how time is going. I'll try to get some recipes posted of some of these soon.
My little helper complete with his pet beer!
My friend came over Sunday night to make some cookies of her own. We did the tie-dye sugar cookies, which was good since I wanted to try them first! It took a little while to do them, but they turned out great!
Cookies Cooling
Add 2 teaspoons cinnamon to 1 cup sugar. Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces. Place cinnamon-sugar in a bag; place biscuit pieces in the bag and shake until well coated. Dump into a Bundt pan. Melt margarine; add 1 cup sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon. Mix until well blended; pour over biscuits. Bake 30-35 minutes at 350* or until browned.
These are soooo delicious!!
Into blender put: 1 shot pineapple juice, 1 shot coconut creme, 1/2 shot Kahlua, 1/2 shot vodka. Blend until smooth.
Into blender put: 1 shot vodka, 1 shot Kahlua, 2 shots Bailey's, splash of half and half, 1 cup ice. Blend until smooth. Make designs on inside of a glass with the chocolate syrup. Pour in drink. Top with whipped cream and drizzle with syrup. Top with a cherry or strawberry.
This is looking to the other side of the door. You can see the gap I was talking about very well. This side also has wood blocking the wind for now because I have my pots sitting in the corner and a shelving unit with cover for my fertilizers and such in front of them. The black hose is a soaker hose that will probably come down since it doesn't allow for optimum watering. I don't suggest watering your potted plants this way (putting down a soaker hose in a flower bed is great, though) because not all of your plants are going to need the same amount of water at the same time. It's best to get a watering wand and water your plants as needed.
We moved in the outdoor plants this past Saturday as our first real cold weather came in that night (yea, the first frost for us was in December this year and it got down to 32*.... very chilly for us!!). I checked the temperature around 10am and it was holding a steady 70* inside the building! I'll definitely be planting some seeds early this year!!
You'll Need:
Note: This image is courtesy of a Google image search. My poor home computer is still not in proper working order and I don't want to do any more than necessary to it, so you'll probably see more of this!
What you'll need:
You may want line the pan, but I usually don't do this. Just depends on what you want. I don't have cats so the liner is just an extra expense to me! Also, some recipes call for vanilla pudding added to the mix. I don't do this step either, though I did try it once. I made the cake ahead and by the time it was ready to be eaten, the pudding had made the cookies soggy. Blah!
Bake the cakes according to the instructions on the box. Meanwhile, in a food processor (or a zip lock with a big 'ole hammer!) crumble the cookies. Once the cakes have cooled, crumble them up with your fingers and mix the two cakes and about half of the cookies together. Spread into the litter box. Sprinkle the rest of the cookie crumbs over the top of the cake then top with the sprinkles to resemble the crystals in kitty litter. Next is the fun part! On a microwave safe dish, heat the tootsie rolls, a couple at a time, until they are pliable. Shape them into turd form and place around in the litter. I like to stick one on the scooper itself and have one hanging on the edge like the poor kitty had the runs! Be sure to get a little of the cake onto some of the tootsie rolls so that it looks like it's been a while since it was cleaned! Sudden thought: I wonder how those mini snicker bars would work with this? Hmm, I'll have to try that out next time! If you do, let me know it works out! You can put some news paper, or whatever you think makes it look genuine, under neath the pan.... just make sure your kitty knows the difference!! Enjoy!!
Since inventory has been done and work has finally slowed down, I will try and post at least one of my Halloween recipes these next couple of days! I'm so sad I've missed out on the festivities until now!!